I.T. Solutions Finder

Our Clients
Non-Profit Organizations – Local Businesses – Schools – Home Owners – Individuals – Seniors


Tech Support

We are here to help you.
You have a question – call or email us
Computer setup / troubleshooting
Wifi setup / troubleshooting
Network setup / troubleshooting
Internet failover
Personalized email setup
Need help understanding your computer – teaching
If you are not in Fairfield county – we can help you remotely

Non-profit organizations

We love to help you.
Our goal is to save you money which starts by charging you less so you can do more for the people you care.

In addition to all our tech services we specialize in finding deals for nonprofits.
(low cost productivity software, FREE personalized email service and whatever we can find what will save you money.)

Certified Salesforce Administrator


Certified Salesforce Administrator.

Let's work together.

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Our mission is to help you solve your computer problems. If you need help or just have a question don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Consult Me!

IT Solutions Finder

About us!

Our main purpose is to help people to overcome their frustrations with computers and everything related to it. Working for over 20 years in an office, buying equipment, setting it up, troubleshooting and supporting co-workers and customers we have experience in solving a variety of technology problems. It also gives us a unique perspective on technology needs and the relationship between technology and user.

Our passion to solve problems and being able to help others to accomplish what they need inspired us to start IT Solutions Finder. Our goal is it to make our clients’ lives easier, so they can concentrate on what’s important to them. An integral part of our vision for IT Solutions Finder includes helping nonprofit organizations to save money so they can use it to help others.


  • 20+ years experience in Information Technology and Research and Development
  • Certified Salesforce Administrator
  • A+ Certified
  • Object-oriented Programming Certificate – NYU (C, C++, Java)
  • Aviation (technology and pilot)
  • Electronics and Communications

Contact us!

Our mission is to help you solve your computer problems.

If you need help or have a question please get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Business Hours

Mon – Fri …… 9 am – 5 pm
Sat, Sun …… Closed


1 (203) 807-4041

